When Should A Septic System Be Pumped?
To keep your septic system running smoothly, a good rule is to have your septic pumped every 3 - 5 years. However, if you experience any of the following conditions it's best to have the system checked out right away to avoid putting strain on or ruining your system.
Sewage Backing Up
If sewage is backing up in your drains or water is draining slowly even after plunging, there's a good chance your septic system is filled to capacity and should be pumped. A system at absolute capacity can lead to serious repairs if not addressed immediately.
Pooling Water in the Leach Field
Pooling water in the leach field area indicates that your tank is at or very near capacity. When sludge and sediment get to levels that they start clogging drain field pipes, liquid cannot drain properly and begins to rise to the surface of your leach field. Any pooling water in the yard should be investigated. If you're you've got unexpected pooled water it's time to get your septic system checked.
Bad Septic Smell
If you can smell your septic system, it's probably time to get it pumped. Your septic should empty liquids into your leach field at a rate which can be easily absorbed into the earth. A properly working septic system should not smell bad. If you do notice a bad odor, get your system checked out right away.
Leach Field Grass Signs
If you begin to see green sections of grass or weeds over your drainage field, you'll want to get your septic system checked. Very green grass or green strips over your leaching field means water levels are too high and can indicates a septic failure. It could also indicate excess nitrates from sewage waste, an indication that the system is not working properly.
Buying or Selling A Home
California law requires property sellers to disclose all known defects relating to their property. A septic system certification is required so that the buyer is informed about the septic system’s condition.
Contact us today to schedule an appointment.